PMP Approval 35pdu To apply for the PMP exam, candidates must meet the eligibility requirements, including educational and professional experience, and submit their application to PMI for review. Once the application is reviewed and approved, candidates can schedule and take the PMP exam.

As part of the eligibility requirements, candidates must have completed 35 hours of formal project management education. This can be achieved through a PMP exam prep course, which is specifically designed to cover the PMP exam content and provide candidates with the necessary knowledge and skills to pass the exam. Many training providers offer PMP exam prep courses that meet the 35-hour requirement and are approved by PMI.

It is important to note that completing a PMP exam prep course does not guarantee approval of the PMP exam application. The application review process is separate from the training and education requirements. The review process involves verifying the candidate's educational and professional experience, including the hours of project management experience they have obtained, and ensuring that they meet the eligibility requirements for the PMP certification.

In summary, completing a PMI-approved PMP exam prep course and earning the 35 PDUs is one of the eligibility requirements for the PMP certification, but it does not guarantee approval of the PMP exam application. The application review process is a separate step and involves verifying the candidate's educational and professional experience.

For starters, applying for PMP exam approval is cumbersome, including you need to meet 35 PDUs of practice time and real-world project management experience. SPOTO is a professional PMP exam service organization, we provide professional PMP exam courses and resume services. We will help you complete all the material declarations required in the exam application form, and pass the exam application review 100%. You can quickly pass the review of the PMP exam application without spending too much money. This will save you a lot of time preparing for the PMI exam.

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Why does PMI conduct examination application review?

PMI conducts application reviews to determine the experience and/or education required for the exam, thereby enhancing the credibility and professionalism of the PMP certification. Every year, PMI institutions will randomly select a certain proportion of PMP exam applications for review.

How long does the PMP exam review process take?

Once the PMI agency approves the materials for review, PMI will send an email with instructions. The certification audit materials will be processed by the audit team within 5-7 working days after submission, you need to wait patiently.

What are PDUs?

PDU stands for Professional Development Unit, a unit of measure used to quantify your professional development. 1 PDU = 1 hour of learning/activity.

What are the ways to get 35 contact hours?

Any training courses provided by PMI-authorized training partners will be considered PDU acquisition channels. Includes attendance at PMI conferences, PMI training, and other events; or through self-directed study.